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Wasm Workers Server

A WebAssembly framework to develop serverless applications and run them anywhere



Start serving your first responses in 1 minute. Don't you trust us?



Create workers in different languages like JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Rust and Go thanks to WebAssembly.



Run your workers locally, in a small device, free-tier VPS, etc. Even in other platforms.

$ curl -fsSL | bash
$ wws --help
A WebAssembly framework to develop and run serverless applications anywhere


  runtimes  Manage the language runtimes in your project
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  [PATH]  Location of the wws project. It could be a local folder or a git repository [default: .]

      --host <HOSTNAME>          Hostname to initiate the server [default:]
  -p, --port <PORT>              Port to initiate the server [default: 8080]
      --prefix <PREFIX>          Prepend the given path to all URLs [default: ]
      --ignore <IGNORE>          Patterns to ignore when looking for worker files [default: ]
  -i, --install-runtimes         Install missing runtimes automatically
      --git-commit <GIT_COMMIT>  Set the commit when using a git repository as project
      --git-tag <GIT_TAG>        Set the tag when using a git repository as project
      --git-branch <GIT_BRANCH>  Set the branch when using a git repository as project
      --git-folder <GIT_FOLDER>  Change the directory when using a git repository as project
      --enable-panel             Enable the administration panel
      --cors <CORS>              CORS headers to add to all workers if not already set by the worker
  -h, --help                     Print help
  -V, --version                  Print version