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Mount folders

Wasm Workers Server allows you to mount folders in the workers' execution context so they can access the files inside. This configuration is done through the TOML file associated to a worker (a TOML file with the same filename as the worker). This means every worker has its own set of mount folders.

The following TOML config file mounts the _libs folder so the worker can access it:

version = "1"

from = "./_libs"
to = "/mnt/libs"

If your worker requires more than one folder, you can mount multiple ones:

version = "1"

from = "./_libs"
to = "/mnt/libs"

from = "./_assets"
to = "/mnt/assets"

Avoid wws looking for workers in folders

In the previous example, all folders starts with an underscore character (_). This folder name convention tells wws to ignore any file inside it when detecting available workers.

Note that those folders may include files that wws recognizes as workers (like .js or .py). By prefixing those folders with an _, you ensure wws won't process those files as workers.

Language compatibility

LanguageMount folders